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Home > Race Info > Duo Teams

Duo Teams

Duo Teams (Formerly Assisted Push)

Ogden Marathon is proud to host duo teams for the marathon and half marathon distances, consisting of a non-ambulatory athlete pushed by an ambulatory runner in a specialized racing wheelchair. Wheelchairs must have a breaking mechanism accessible to both the athlete and the runner. To provide a safe experience for all participants, each race has a capacity of five Duo Teams.

The Duo Team program is non-competitive, and there are no separate award categories. Because the Duo Team Program is a separate event group, the duo runner and duo rider are not ranked among the Open field and are not eligible for an age group award.


One participant of a Duo Team will complete the initial registration in the duo team category for their preferred distance (half or full marathon). They will receive instructions on how to invite their team mate in the registration confirmation email (or see below*). Both team members must have completed registration to be eligible to race.

*Inside your team captain account, you can view and share your unique team registration link, see registered and pending members, message team members, and customize your team page.

1. Log in to your Ogden Marathon account and choose your team captain account.
2. Invite your team member through either the Invite People form or send your members your unique team registration link.
3. In the Settings tab, create a name for your duo team. This must be the full name of both participants as this is the name that will be used for placement ranking.
4. Click the Open Team Page button to share your team's page with your team members.

If you wish to take part in the full or half marathon with more than one ambulatory runner pushing the athlete, please reach out to for registration instructions.

Duo Team Rules

  • The duo athlete must be securely fastened in a customized racing wheelchair throughout the race.
  • Wheelchairs with motors, hand cranks, foot pedals, or gears are not permitted.
  • Wheelchairs must have a breaking mechanism accessible to both the athlete and the runner.
  • Only the duo team runner may push the customized racing wheelchair.
  • All Duo Teams will start the race 5 minutes ahead of the posted start time of the Ogden Marathon and Ogden Half Marathon.

Boston Marathon

If your team is aiming to qualify for the Boston Marathon, please see details here:


Ogden Marathon welcomes all race participants who may have a permanent visual, physical, or intellectual impairment that affects their ability to participate.

Runners with an impairment are encouraged to email with any requests for accommodations needed prior to registering. The Ogden Marathon staff will consider all requests and strive to make accommodations where feasible.

Athletes in this program participate alongside the general participant field. This is a non-competitive category that does not have separate awards categories.

Runners with an impairment are eligible to have a Guide Runner assist them with their race if needed. A complimentary entry will be provided for Guide Runners upon request, prior to registration. One guide is allowed per athlete, and they must complete the entire race with the participant they are supporting.

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