Vendors - Expo & Festival
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Calling All

Ogden MarAthon Vendors

2025 Vendor Application Is Open and the expo has a new home at the Ogden eccles conference center!!

Fleet Feet Fun and Fitness Expo


Friday, May 16 | 10 am - 7 pm

Ogden Eccles Conference Center
2415 Washington Blvd.
Ogden, UT 84401

The Fleet Feet Fun & Fitness Expo is a free all-day exposition open to the public. ALL Ogden Marathon participants must attend the expo to pick up their race bib and participant shirt. A projected 10,000 attendees will have the opportunity to learn, demo, and buy products and services from you!

  • A projected 10,000 attendees attend looking for sports, health, and wellness products and services
  • Free digital coupon or ad in the participant Virtual Goodie Bag
  • Ogden's largest Health & Fitness Expo
  • Reach consumers from all over the country
  • Brand exposure


  • All marathon participants must pick up their race bib during the expo – and they bring their friends and family with them!
  • Leading companies displaying, promoting and selling fitness, health and well-being products and services
  • Free samples and thousands of $$$ in giveaways!
  • Free admission to all

Apply today to be a 2025 vendor!

Vendor Application

Autoliv Finish Line Festival


Saturday, May 17 | 7 am - 2 pm

Ogden Municipal Gardens
343 25th st. Ogden, UT 84401

The fun does not stop after the expo! On race day you will have a second opportunity to promote your products and services at the Autoliv Finish Line Festival. Join us as we celebrate our runners collectively with our community. Live music, vendors, food trucks, free kids zone activities, and more! This event is free to attend and open to the general public.

Purchase of booth space includes a free ad/offer space in the Virtual Goodie Bag.


In an effort to be more sustainable and conscious of waste, we now utilize a Virtual Goodie Bag for coupons and promotions. All vendors will be invited to submit an offer in the participant Virtual Goodie Bag for free with purchase of booth space at the Fun & Fitness Expo or the Finish Line Festival. The Virtual Goodie Bag is sent to all participants and volunteers (approx. 8,000 people) prior to the Fun & Fitness Expo and remains available to them after the race.

Tips for a successful placement:

  • This should be a substantial offer, coupon, or giveaway. Advertisements only will not be accepted.
  • If you will be attending the expo or finish line festival, consider using your placement to drive traffic to your booth. Maybe offer a free item, a prize or a small gift if they show you the offer at your booth.
  • Use this opportunity to collect emails for a big giveaway
  • Use this opportunity to drive customers to your store or website with a small gift or coupon
  • If you would like more than one placement, please inquire with Cecily at

Pricing & Details


$600 - 10x10 - Friday Expo
$250 - 10x10 - Saturday Festival
$800 - 10x10 - Friday Expo & Saturday Festival

Corner booth and double booth (10x20) upgrades are available. Please see application form for add-on pricing details.

No cancellations or refunds 30 days prior to the event.


  • Expo Hours: Friday, May 16th | 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
    • Friday Booth purchase includes: pipe and drape, table with a black skirt and two chairs.
  • Location: Ogden Eccles Conference Center

Vendor Load-in Times:

  • Thursday, May 15th | 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Friday, May 16th | 7:00 am – 9:00 am
    • Show ready by 9:45 am


  • Upon arrival for setup, check in at the vendor check-in booth. From there, the expo manager will direct you to your spot.
  • All vendors will have a pre-assigned area. Please do not set your things up until the expo manager shows you your spot.
  • Vendors are responsible for removing and disposing of any trash from their setup.

Festival Details

  • Festival Hours: Saturday, May 17th | 7:00 am – 2:00 pm
    • Saturday booth purchase includes: A physical, designated 10x10 space. All vendors must provide their own tents, tables, chairs, and anything else needed for set up. All tents must be weighted down. If not, you will not be able to erect tent(s).
  • Location: Ogden Municipal Gardens, 343 25th Street. Ogden, UT 84401

Vendor Load-in Times:

  • Friday, May 16th | 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm (Overnight security will be provided. GOAL is not responsible for lost or stolen items.)
  • Saturday, May 17th | 5:00 am – 6:45 am
    • Show ready by 7:00 am


  • Upon arrival for setup, check in at the vendor check-in booth. From there, the festival manager will direct you to your spot.
  • All vendors will have a pre-assigned area. Please do not set your things up until the festival manager shows you your spot.
  • Vendors are responsible for removing and disposing of any trash from their setup. Please use trash receptacles located around the festival.


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