Race Day
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Race Day


Start lines

It is typically anywhere between 20-35 degrees at the Full Marathon start line hosted by Dancing Moose Farm and slightly warmer at the Half Marathon start line. There will be fire barrels at the Full & Half Marathon start to help keep you warm.

We highly recommend that you come prepared for cold temperatures at the start line by layering and then shedding your layers to put in your drop bag just before the race begins.

You can also check the local forecast for the Huntsville area leading up to the race if you are running the Full or Half. Porta-potties and last-minute instructions will be provided at the starting areas.

Please utilize our pacers and line up accordingly. Faster runners will line up in the front, their times are based on the gun time all other age group awards are based on your chip time.

If you are planning to walk the Full, Half, 8Mi, or 5K please plan to line up towards the back. This helps the flow of the start and also helps to keep all athletes safe. Please note that our course cutoffs are listed further below to review. Full Marathon participants need to maintain an average pace of 16 minute miles or faster in order to ensure they make it through the cutoffs and to the finish line.

Finish line

The finish line is located downtown Ogden at 25th and Grant Ave. The Autoliv Finish Line Festival is a free community event perfect for the whole family and is packed with FUN! Visit the Awards Stage to pick up your overall or age division awards and head into the Amphitheater to retrieve your drop bag. Stick around for the festivities and enjoy live music, free kids activities, vendor booths, food trucks, and more!


There is NO parking at any start line. All participants must ride the Bus to the start area.

You will be required to show your race bib to board the bus. If you miss the bus, there is no other transportation available to the start line.

Below is the schedule from the 2024 Ogden Marathon for reference. We are currently finalizing the details for the 2025 event, and will update this page as the race date gets closer. Stay tuned for the latest information!


4:45 am - 5:15 am — Buses load East Side of Washington Blvd, South of 25th St, in front of Bigelow Hotel for Full Marathon and Relay Legs 1 and 2
4:45 am - 5:15 am — Buses load West Side of Washington Blvd, North of 25th St, in front of Key Bank for Half Marathon and Relay Leg 3
5:15 am - 5:45 am — VIP Buses load for Full and Half Marathon on 26th St, West of Washington Blvd. in front of Bank of Utah
5:30 am - 6:00 am — Buses load 25th Street, East of Washington Blvd, across from The Monarch for the 8Mi
7:00 am - 7:30 am — Buses load in front of GOAL Building (2440 Washington Blvd.) for Relay Leg 4
7:30 am - 8:00 am — Buses load in front of GOAL Building (2440 Washington Blvd.) for Relay Leg 5

Bus Loading Locations by Distance

Full Marathon

Load 4:45 - 5:15 am
2510 Washington Blvd. (East side of Washington Blvd.) In front of the Bigelow Hotel. Last bus will leave at 5:15 sharp.

Half Marathon

Load 4:45 - 5:15 am
2491 Washington Blvd. (West side of Washington Blvd.) In front of Key Bank. Last bus will leave at 5:15 sharp.

8 mile

Load 5:30 - 6:00 am

455 25th St Ogden, UT. Buses load on 25th Street, East of Washington Blvd across the street from The Monarch. Last bus will leave at 6:00 sharp.


No Bussing


Load 5:15 - 5:45 am
2605 Washington Blvd. Ogden, UT
Located in front of Bank of Utah
The last bus will leave at 5:45 am sharp.


Leg One & Leg Two
Load 4:45 am - 5:15 am
2510 Washington Blvd. (East side of Washington Blvd.) in front of the Bigelow Hotel. You will ride the buses with the Full Marathon participants. The last bus will leave at 5:15 am sharp.

Leg Three
Load 4:45 am - 5:15 am
2491 Washington Blvd. (West side of Washington Blvd.) In front of Key Bank.
You will ride the buses with the Half Marathon participants. The last bus will leave at 5:15 am sharp.

Leg Four
Load 7:00-7:30am
2440 Washington Blvd. in front of GOAL Foundation Building (East side of Washington Blvd.) The last bus will leave at 7:30 am sharp.

Leg Five
Load 7:30-8:00am
2440 Washington Blvd. in front of GOAL Foundation Building (East side of Washington Blvd.) The last bus will leave at 8:00 am sharp.

Shuttle to Finish for Relay legs 1-4:
Once you have completed your relay leg, there will be buses waiting to shuttle relay participants to the finish line. Bus schedules may vary, and participants are not guaranteed to make it to the finish line before their team has finished the race.


Aid stations are located at:
Start, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15.5, 17, 18, 20, 21.5, 23, 24, 25, Finish

Water and Gatorade will be provided at every aid station.
Portable Restrooms will be available at each start line and aid station.
*Red indicates fruit available at aid station.

GU Energy Gels (Energy Zones):
5, 8.5, 13, 17, 23

There will be a variety of flavors available including Chocolate Outrage, Salted Caramel, Vanilla Bean, and Tri-Berry.


Pacing team

The American Flyer Pacers will be available to both Full and Half Marathon runners to help you accomplish your goal time.

Half Marathon

1:30,1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:15, 2:30, and 3:30

full marathon

3:15, 3:30, 3:45, 4:00, 4:15, 4:30, 5:00, and 7:00

Please be courteous and line up as close as possible to the pacer who will be running your speed. If you are planning on competing, be sure to line-up in the front as Overall and Masters results are based on gun time.

Pacers will be pacing according to Chip Time.*
*The 7 hour Pacer will be pacing according to Race Start (Gun) Time. Meaning that you need to finish the race by 2pm, and make it ahead of time on all of the cutoffs listed below.
Age group awards are based on chip time.


Those planning to walk any of the distances are more than welcome to do so. We ask that you line up behind the final pacing group. This will help to ensure the safety of all participants and will help prevent bottle necks at the start of the race. The Course time limit is 7 hours and your time is based on your chip. 7 hours equates to a 16 minute mile pace for the full marathon.

course cutoffs/time limits

Times are based upon a max finish average mile time of 16 minutes per mile. Runners will need to reach the following check points:
  • Aid Station D before 9am - Mile 7 (This first cutoff is for Full Marathon and Relay participants only)
  • Eden Park by 10:30am - 13.1 Miles (This cutoff is for Full Marathon and Relay participants only)
  • Aid Station J by 11:30am - Mile 4 | 17
  • Ogden Canyon by 1:00pm - Mile 9.5 | 22.5
  • Runners must finish the race by 2pm
Due to safety and security, If these cutoffs are not met, you will be required to board the bus and be transported to the finish line. For Full marathon and Relay runners, these time limits mean that you must average 16 minutes per mile or faster to ensure you make the cutoffs.


Full Marathon, Half Marathon, and 8Mi participants will receive a designated drop bag at the during packet pickup at the Fleet Feet Fun & Fitness Expo. These bags may be used for extra layers of clothing and small personal items. Please load your drop bag in the designated truck at the start line before the race and it will be transported for you down to the finish line area for you to pick up in the Ogden Amphitheater until 2pm on race day.
    • NO glass/breakable items, prescription medication, car keys, wallets, items of value, etc. should be placed in drop bags. Although we make every attempt to get your personal belongings back to you safely, the Ogden Marathon is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
    • There is no clothing drop at the 5K start line or Relay Exchange points.
  • Clothing/items left on busses or dropped anywhere on course (including at water stations) WILL NOT be returned to the finish line. All items will be donated to local non-profits in the Greater Ogden area.
  • Please make sure you use the designated runner’s drop bag with your bib # clearly marked on it for ease of retrieval at the finish line. Please do not ask aid station volunteers to transport items to the finish line for you.
  • Although we make every attempt to get your personal belongings back to you safely, the Ogden Marathon is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please use this service at your own risk.
  • You can drop your clothing in the designated trucks at the Full Marathon, Half Marathon, and 8Mi start lines only.
  • Drop Bag Pickup will be in the Ogden Amphitheater at the Autoliv Finish Line Festival until 2pm on race day.


Your safety and well-being is of the upmost importance to us. As such, we, together with Intermountain McKay-Dee Sports Medicine, have put together a comprehensive plan to provide the best care possible throughout the entire course. Should you need assistance, it is typically, at the most, only one aid station away.

Medical team

  • 10 physicians, 7 athletic trainers, 2 physical therapists
  • 2 medical tents along the course near the Half Marathon Start and the bottom of Ogden Canyon near mile 22.5/9.5
  • 3 medical vans with first aid equipment
  • Aid stations from Half Start to the finish line will have Medically trained volunteer.

on course

  • 16 aid stations along the route. There will be a volunteer at each station ready to help. If more assistance than they are able to provide is needed, help is only a radio call away.
  • 3 fully stocked medical vans with trained volunteers ready to assist you.

finish line

  • Medical tent staffed by physicians, ready to help.
  • Self Serve Ice Station

Hopefully you won’t need any medical services, but if you do, we are 100% here for you.

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